Last night was the first big Martin Party of the year: Ghost Roast! My friends and I all decided to be different Disney Princesses! We had a little pregaming party and had a blast. Julie made appetizers (thank you!!) and I made pink cocktails! Here is a picture of the group (and yes, we do have a thing against blondes).

L to R: Pocahontas (Almas), Mulan (Amara), Sleeping Beauty (Molly), Belle (Sinehan), Esmeralda (Susanna), Ariel (Sabrina), Snow White (Nicole), Tinker Bell (Kimberly) and Jasmine (Me).

I have really great friends! They are so much fun. We definitely started off the night right---and then it was the REAL party--Ghost Roast! The Martin Guys were definitely successful--700 regular wristbands were given out--not counting guest ones (which they ran out of). So we're guessing around 1000 people showed up. CRAZY! Just check out these pictures I got of the crowd.
Albert was with Alex--he also did research this summer on mice...can you guess what he is? A Knockout mouse! Adorable, huh? (In case you don't understand, a knockout mouse is a transgenic mouse with a gene deleted so you can study the effects of that seeing what happens when it is gone.) LOVED IT.
And of course the classic Mario Brothers...
L to R: Pocahontas (Almas), Mulan (Amara), Sleeping Beauty (Molly), Belle (Sinehan), Esmeralda (Susanna), Ariel (Sabrina), Snow White (Nicole), Tinker Bell (Kimberly) and Jasmine (Me).
I made the Pocahontas and Mulan costumes. My g-mama and Julie helped me make my Jasmine outfit. Susanna and Sinehan had their moms make their costumes, and Molly made hers yesterday. I think overall they turned out well! Only three actually bought costumes.
I have really great friends! They are so much fun. We definitely started off the night right---and then it was the REAL party--Ghost Roast! The Martin Guys were definitely successful--700 regular wristbands were given out--not counting guest ones (which they ran out of). So we're guessing around 1000 people showed up. CRAZY! Just check out these pictures I got of the crowd.
JD DJ'ed. He is amazing!
And now my science nerd side will come out. I ran into Alex Holmes, my research partner from the summer. She was Batgirl.
Crazy girls, dancing on stage (Sinehan and Molly).
It's so much fun to see friends from freshman year...Caitlin was a french maid. I hardly ever see her anymore! That's what happens when you get old and move into different apartments.
Alex Wilkinson and Tyler Lewis--two of my best guy friends. And of course they WOULD be almost naked.
Clearly last night was a blast! This morning we had bruch at Susanna's house. Her mom made sausage and egg quiches, waffles, bacon, and yummy pastries. Of course I brought leftovers from last night (the meaty cheese dip I served is GONE now). All of the Martin guys showed up, and that made it even more fun. We jumped on her trampoline, and the guys played Rock Band with Dr. Sutherland.
Last but CERTAINLY not least, yesterday I found out I'll be going to Singapore over Spring Break! The Hendrix Odyssey Program funded me, Nicole Morgan, and Elizabeth Morgan to go there to study Buddhism for a week. We'll be taking a religious/anthropological/artistic approach and immerse ourselves in their various practices and rituals. It is going to be an amazing time. I can't wait.
So the Singapore thing, the 97.5% on my last physics exam thing, the princess party thing, the goast roast thing, and the brunch thing made this a pretty amazing weekend--and it is only Saturday afternoon!